Our story

FALA is the result of the efforts and dedication of a group of scout alumni, Anciens Scouts et Guides Saint Joseph Antoura – ASG. Every scout grows up with the belief of always giving without expecting anything in return, and that’s how ASG members, even years after leaving the active scout association, still gather every Christmas to plan and organize a social and humanitarian initiative.

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What Is Friedreich's Ataxia

IMPORTANT: Every person is strongly recommended to consult with his neurologist, cardiologist and physical doctor to assess his or her capacities and limits before undertaking any therapy and starting any medication.

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Awareness session for Guides Saint Josep...

Encouraging the youth to learn about their society's ethi...

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Ndu NGO fair

We are proud to have participated in the 

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Launching of FALA- Gala dinner

Here's a glance at our 1st Gala Dinner where F...

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Handiski in Zaarour- sports for everyone

Who said people physically challenged can’t ski? HA...
